FeralMiqo'te XIV
Roleplay, Venues, and Commissions
shadow wizard money gang
We love bending canon

RP rules
✽ Rule 1 I will not accept any form of bigotry including homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc. You will be blacklisted.✽ Rule 2 18+ minimum, 21+ preferred for RP. I will not engage with minors in RP, especially when 90% of the content I produce about these character is all 18+. Neither will I engage in ERP or accept NSFW commissions with Lalafell characters. Otherwise I have no problem doing regular RP with Lalafell.✽ Rule 3 While my characters are kind of sluts the actor is monogamously married. Don't cross the line between IC and OOC, please. Yes my wife knows.. Similarly if we are just chatting in a discord or not at a venue there's a 90% chance nothing I say is IC. You could just ask if you're unsure.✽ Rule 4 With that in mind my characters are at this time not looking for romantic ships. Friends, erp buddies, enemies all welcome.✽ Rule 5 I have a publicly available F-List which can and will be used to deny any and cutoff any services should boundaries be crossed during RP, E- or otherwise. ✽ Rule 6 This also means in everything I do consent is key. I reserve the right to walk away from situations I'm not comfortable in. If something I do crosses a line please say so immediately and we can either cut things off or walk things back.
I accept gil-based GPose commissions! For examples you can checkout the tag FeralMiqoteXIV (some NSFW) on my bsky or my Examples page.Prices are based on what I've seen others of my skill-level charge.I will also work with you if your computer cannot run mods or if you are a console player so you can have a custom Mare Character Data File to send other gposers so you don't have to physically meet up with them in-game just to get your character posed. Plus they can look as special as you see them in your head!
Item | Price |
4K res GPOSE up to 2 characters | 100,000 Gil |
Custom MCDF | 500,000 Gil |
Additional Characters | 100,000 Gil per |
You will receive a preview before editing begins so you can request any changes once and then once editing has been finished you will receive your full 4k edited screenshot or MCDF in discord DMs after gil has been exchanged
Commission Stipulations
Things I will and will not pose:
NSFW scenes
Groups (+100k gil per char over 2)
Mounts and Minions (do not add to cost)
NSFW Lalafell
NSFW Minors
Heavy Gore
For Custom MCDFs:
Preexisting tattoos (I am not drawing custom tattoos just adding them to the MCDF)
Freckles, scars, body hair
Whichever custom body you want
NSFW Lalafell (any Lalafell MCDF will use Otopop unless specified)
Reach out to me on bsky or discord DMs so we can work out the specific mods you are wanting reflected on your character model.
Vampire Catboy
NAME: Q'ince NunhNICKNAMES / ALIASES: "Vampire of Shirogane"AGE: 28Nameday: 20th Sun of the 2nd Umbral MoonGENDER & PRONOUNS: Transmasc, he/theyORIENTATION: BisexualRACE/ETHNICITY: Miqo'te, Seeker of the SunNATIONALITY: IshgardianOCCUPATION: Bath House Staff, Event Coordinator
VOICE CLAIM: Niles from FE FatesPLAYLISTHEIGHT: 5'9"WEIGHT: 145 lbs.HAIR: Red, shoulder lengthEYES: AmberSCARS: Battle scars all over torso, arms and legs, top surgery scarsPIERCINGS: Ears (multiple), septum, snakebites, nipples, and belly buttonTATTOOS: Lace tiger stripes (all over), vampire bites (left side neck), anti-posession symbol (right collarbone), trans infinity (right ribcage), blue star with keyhole (left forearm), mouse on flower (engraving on prosthetic right forearm, RIP Gender (right inner thigh)DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Tattoos, dumptruck ass, fangsPHYSICAL CONDITIONS / DISABILITIES:
Right arm removed at elbow, replaced with prosthetic
- Unknown Father
- Ruby RhodoniteHOMETOWN: Ishgard, CoerthasCURRENT RESIDENCE: Shirogane, Kugane, Othard

- funny
- compassionate
- will not willingly killNEUTRAL TRAITS:
- bottom
- sarcastic lil shit
- vampire
- catboy
- traitASTROLOGY: ??? Sun, ??? Moon, ??? RisingMBTI: XXXX-XTEMPERAMENT: TemperamentENNEAGRAM: Type X Wing X
- Power : DescriptionLIKES:
- Tattoos
- Piercings
- Goth (music, attire, chicks in fishnets)DISLIKES:
- Bullies
- Killing
- people who abuse their power over othersHOBBIES:
- Planning revenge
- Hanging out with friends at venuesF-LIST
- This is your one NSFW warning
In passing Q'ince will say he is from Wineport but he was raised (read: possibly kidnapped) in Ishgard, as part of what could only be called a cult. He managed to escape this cult and their so-called Monarch shortly before his 18th nameday but not before he was fully inducted into their nefarious circle of vampires, being turned against his will.Since then Q'ince has spent the last 10 years on the lamb. He is always looking over his shoulder for people he can either help escape as well or who would soon enough report his location to their precious Monarch.Over those 10 years, Q'ince has found solace in the nightlife of Eorzea for obvious reasons, spending time in taverns and bath houses as ways to pass the time and even picked up a job or two in places.Finding ways to feed without going against his 'no killing' creed has been difficult but not impossible.
When he can't buy an animal with his earnings or find a willing partner, he simply goes hungry, isolating to not lose himself to the hunger.Being on the run, finding new and interesting ways to stay alive, and trying to stay under the radar are just a few of the ways Q'ince now lives. Maybe you can find out more, if you ask nicely.
Dragon Fuckboy
NAME: Raizen KaminariNICKNAMES / ALIASES: "The Ichimokuren"AGE: Appears 25ishDATE OF BIRTH: 15th Sun of the 6th Astral MoonGENDER & PRONOUNS: Transmasc, he/himORIENTATION: PansexualRACE/ETHNICITY: DragonkinNATIONALITY: Maybe DomanOCCUPATION: Fuckboy
VOICE CLAIM: Stiles StilinskiHEIGHT: 7’0"WEIGHT: 180 lbs.HAIR: Mint Green, half ponytailEYES: Bright BlueSCARS: light scarring across whole body, top surgery scarsPIERCINGS: Septum, nipplesTATTOOS: Geometric pattern on left leg, stylized snake and floral pattern on back and right armDISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Eyepatch, piercing gaze, glamoured draconic featuresPHYSICAL CONDITIONS / DISABILITIES:
- Missing right eye
- Father, the real Ichimokuren
- MotherPETS: "Trusted Advisor" enchanted mushroomHOMETOWN: Mount TadoCURRENT RESIDENCE: Shirogane, Kugane, Othard

- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait
- flirty fuckboy
- trait
- traitASTROLOGY: ??? Sun, ??? Moon, ??? RisingMBTI: XXXX-XTEMPERAMENT: TemperamentENNEAGRAM: Type X Wing X
- Control over electricity, basic glamourLIKES:
- Like
- Like
- Dislike
- Dislike
- DislikeHOBBIES:
- Unless you can count working off a debt or being followed by a magically sentient mushroom as hobbies he doesn't have much. He likes to party, doesn't care for his responsibilities, and should probably be put in his place or on his ass.F-LIST
- This is your one NSFW warning
Raizen is in Eorzea (well realistically Othard) on his own little version of Rumpspringa as he works to avoid the training he is supposed to be undergoing to become the next Ichimokuren . That is, to replace his father who is a dragon-god on Mount Tado who controls the weather. Said training is the direct cause of his missing eye and the fact that he always smells very slightly of burnt ozone and petrichor.He is the equivalent of 25 years old, incredibly full of himself, and ready to party. Pay no attention to the mushroom that was given life to follow him around; he is actively trying to avoid it.
NAME: Riley HargreevesAGE: 19DATE OF BIRTH: 15th Sun of the 6th Astral MoonGENDER & PRONOUNS: Male, He/Him/HoleORIENTATION: Bi (male preference)RACE/ETHNICITY: Elezen/HyurNATIONALITY: TuliyolliOCCUPATION: Dancer, Courtesan, Model
HEIGHT: 5'8"WEIGHT: 120 lbs.HAIR: Short, Black, blonde highlightsEYES: Hazy graySCARS: decorative chest scarsPIERCINGS: Septum, nipples, Prince Albert and Jacob's LadderTATTOOS: barcode on rear right ribsPHYSICAL CONDITIONS / DISABILITIES:
- Blind from birth
All Fantasies and Kinks must be agreed upon before purchase is made.Femboy Bathwater:
Fresh! Clean (-ish)! Only 500k gil!Bottle Service:
Professionalism and a pretty face with the added bonus that he can't visually identify anyone or what they do at your party. 100k gil/hour."Girl"friend Experience:
Go on a date, see a play, happy ending! 500k gil/date.NSFW Personal services:
350k gil for first hour, 250k gil/hour afterSFW Companionship
From dinner dates to SFW massage or personal dances. 100k gil/hr

- Curious
- Kind
- Femboy
- trait
- trait
- trait
- traitASTROLOGY: Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Moon, Libra RisingMBTI: XXXX-XTEMPERAMENT: Light-hearted, airhead
- Looking cuteLIKES:
- Nice voices (pref DEEP)
- Soft hands
- Music
- Thai Tea BobaDISLIKES:
- Finger foods
- Spicy things
- Straight hard alcoholHOBBIES:
- Teaching Screenie swear words
- Dancing
- Trying to learn transformation magicF-LIST
- This is your one NSFW warning
(Story WIP while I still play through DT) Riley was raised in Alexandria, on the outskirts, but now lives in Everkeep, in the same building as his best friend Nephrite. Riley is a blind 19 year old currently traveling Eorzea, sight-seeing so to say, with Neph as his guardian and guide. He is relatively average height for an Elezen/Hyur teenager, only 5 fulm 8 ilms and 120 ponzs. To help pay for all of this and the trip abroad, Riley has taken to offering court services on the side; ask about the Femboy Bathwater, it's Fresh and clean, mostly.
Step into Envious, a one-of-a-kind venue where your deepest fantasies come alive. Our enchanting maids and bold servants are here to cater to your every desire, from playful companionship to captivating interactions. Whether you're in the mood to be pampered by a gentle maid or enchanted by a dominant servant, Envious is here to bring your dreams to life.
Opening Days: Mondays & Thursdays
Opening Hours: 9:30 PM - 12 AM EST
Location: Malboro - Goblet W16 P13
Here we cater to new roleplayers and seasoned veterans alike, with accessible prices, and a variety of Roleplay available!!. We have beautifully decorated rooms and our Honeybees are always happy to welcome you, no matter who might be tonight!
Opening Days: Every Other Sunday
Opening Hours: 8PM - 12AM EST
Location: Crystal - Coeurl - Goblet W6 - P5
An entirely immersive lounge experience featuring dozens of beautiful and handsome hosts to keep you company through the night. Maybe you'd like to be able to relax and indulge in a drink or two beneath the moonlight or perhaps you're looking for something a bit more exciting in one of our private rooms? The Executive Lounge is your ticket to a high class roleplay experience.
Opening Days: Every Other Saturday
Opening Hours: 10PM - 2AM EST
Location: Crystal - Coeurl - Mists
W12 - P32
Step into a fully immersive roleplay nightclub, complete with DJs to help you dance the night away and dancers to entertain! Featuring full SFW and NSFW services as well as beautifully decorated private rooms, make sure while you are there to ask about the Sector 7 Mascot Bucky! He's not just a great place to hang your coat but you can ride him for a chance at some nice prizes and perks. See the menu section for details!
Opening Days: Every Other Friday
Opening Hours: 10PM - 2AM EST
Location: Crystal - Coeurl - Goblet
W10 - P30